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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Savannah's Senior Awards Night

We were excited and a bit anxious to attend the Providence HS Senior Awards night this evening.  Savannah already knew about two scholarships she received, but we were hoping for one more that was $10k.  The ceremony was SO long, but well worth it in the end!

This girl worked hard, applied like crazy, and ended up with . . . 
Daniel B Kellas Community Service Scholarship
Assistance League of Charlotte Scholarship
SECU People Helping People Scholarship
PHS PTSO Scholarship
Elizabeth Anne Reid Memorial Scholarship

She was also honored for being a National Merit Scholar Finalist and achieving Bronze level for the President's Volunteer Service Award.  So she doesn't exactly have a full ride to Chapel Hill, but man she came close!  To say we are proud is an understatement.  She rocked it!!!  According to Preston (who says not to get my hopes up for him, LOL) she was honored more than any other student going on stage 7 times!!  It was so cute to see him texting his friends as we sat through the super long ceremony bragging about his sister. :)  So now we press on in the homestretch to graduation!

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