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Friday, May 17, 2024

First Senior Event - Carmel Launching Milestone

I never imagined when we joined a Sunday school class at Carmel for newly married couples 20 years ago that it would lead to some of my nearest and dearest girlfriends, who would be with me through the highest highs and lowest lows of life.  We have been in  Bible study together, experienced all of the firsts of motherhood together, celebrated and mourned together too.  Not all of us had their first child in 2006, so this is just a snapshot of some of the women who mean so much, but what a picture of God's hand at work.  Tonight we celebrated launching our first born children into the real world with a blessing and challenge from the church.  It was such a sweet time as a family.

Mrs. Poats surprised "her" girls with flowers on their table

On Sunday the church celebration continued with a slideshow of the graduates in each service and of course a fun video montage of their student ministry events over the past 6 years.


Senior girls

Carmel Seniors Class of 2024

What a privilege it has been to travel through the stages of parenting with a church family backing you all the way.  There have been so many special events for students over the years providing specific opportunities for parents to pour into and bless our children . . and now the time has come to launch them into college.  Yikes! It's scary to think about but hopefully, by this point, Savannah knows how treasured she is not just by us, but by her Heavenly Father too.  She is ready . . so watch out Chapel Hill, here she comes!

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