Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Soccer Fans

This weekend Preston had a soccer showcase in Browns Summitt, which is pretty close to my family so we were thrilled when they were able to come cheer him on!  The second Saturday game was pretty miserable with cold downpours of rain and wind, but thankfully Pawpaw and Teresa came to the first game and didn't have to deal with the rain.  By the end of the second game, this kid was NASTY.  We were all so thankful to be able to come home and sleep in our own beds (and get his white uniform washed for the Sunday game).  

He was injured at school tryouts Thursday, but still pushed through and played all three games this weekend.  We have done a lot of Motrin, ice, heat, KT tape, and massaging hoping the leg improves quickly as school practice starts next week . .  along with club practice and many games!

Uncle Mark made it to the game today and was able to cheer him on while Savannah and I stayed behind in Charlotte.  It was a crazy busy weekend, but thankfully we enjoy watching this kid play!


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