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Friday, June 16, 2023

Carmel Camp 2023

Savannah and Preston left Monday for student camp with our church in Crowder's Mountain.  Preston was a little unsure what to expect since this was his first year going with the student ministry and not Carmel Kidz, but Savannah assured him that he would have a blast.

And have a blast he did!  It was actually life-changing for him because he accepted Christ while he was there.  I have prayed for years that he would feel the Lord's call on his life and when he stepped off the bus his first words were "Mom, guess what??  I'm a believer!"  It was precious and a moment I'll never forget!


It was also a pretty big week for Savannah.  When she left she knew that they would continue the tradition with a special passing of the lantern ceremony from seniors to juniors, symbolizing that they are now the oldest and setting the example for the underclassmen . . . but what she didn't know is that her close friend Amy would be the one to pass the lantern to her.  She also was surprised when she was asked by the youth pastor to represent the entire junior class with a speech.  It was a huge honor that she wasn't expecting at all!  

Savannah gave her speech to everyone on behalf of the junior class

Both kids had an amazing time and were excited to kick off the summer with such a memorable week!  We are beyond grateful for our church and the leaders that continue to pour into them, love them, and point them to the Lord so well.

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