Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Eventful Christmas Eve

Well, let's just say things didn't quite go as planned today . . 

We woke up early and discovered our hot water heater froze overnight and we had no hot water!  So Dave and I went out with a hairdryer (not even knowing what pipe to heat up) and gloves to try to defrost things.  And then the power went out!  Apparently, Duke thought it would be a good way to help with over usage to just literally shut down the grid of power for a "short time".  Argh!  So we shut off the water main and headed to Mebane, stopping for CFA chicken minis and nuggets to take for lunch.  Oh and air in my tires because apparently there was a nail in one tire.  We arrived at Denny's and got a call from the alarm company that the smoke detector upstairs was going off.  Long story short, the neighbor came over, fire department toured the house and apparently all was well.  I proceeded to get SIX more calls while we were away until finally they said they would disable the smoke detector and send a repair person Monday.

We had fun at Denny's house but realized Pawpaw forgot the coveted money jar for the annual competition.  So he headed back to the country to get the jar of coins and the kids had a blast guessing the amount of money.  This year Madison came away with the prize!!

We headed back to Charlotte to check on the hot water (still none) and then made it to the Christmas 
Eve service early . . only to sit down to start our annual Christmas Eve Chili's order (while we were waiting for church to start) and realized that they closed early.  BUMMER!

It was certainly a crazy, unexpected day, but somehow we were still able to be excited about the arrival of Christmas!!!

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