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Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Spring Break 2022 . . . Vegas Baby!!


Let the adventure begin . . the kids have no idea what they are in store for, but we are all excited to get out of town for a break!!

Oh my, the sights started early!

The first day was amazing!  The weather was perfect and we hit tons of highlights

We found the secret pizza parlor in the resort and had dinner there!

A view of New York, NY where Preston and Dave rode the coaster on day two!

So excited for America's Got Talent Show!!

Preston's favorite part was meeting Dustin Tavella, the winner of America's Got Talent!  He was there celebrating his birthday with his family sitting right in front of us and was more than willing to take a picture with Preston. :)

Waiting to ride the roller coaster!

We took a bus to Old Vegas one day!  You can tell from the pictures it was COLD!!  We were all freezing and so thankful for coats . . also there was a massive sand storm with alerts going off on our phones.  We couldn't even see the mountains on day 2.

We ate WAYY too many treats, including a cereal milkshake

The in-and-out joint was a hit!

We did a lot of walking and ended day three with a cirque show that was quite disappointing for us all! 

We missed the bus so we walked back to the hotel.

Our flight home was delayed several times so Preston played a slot machine in the airport and lost his change. :)

All in all, it was a super fun adventure.  I wish the weather had been warmer and the kids could have enjoyed the pools at the hotel, but at least there was daily guest entertainment from the people we met in the elevator as we rode to the 38th floor!  Definitely, a fun way to spend a few days out of town!

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