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Monday, January 17, 2022

Boys . . . and Dumb Decisions

Don't ask me WHY Preston and his buddies thought doing water balloons in January was a good idea . . or why they have to pump them a thousand miles an hour . . but somehow Friday afternoon this pump broke and the rod went right into Preston's palm.  The neighbor called and said that Preston had cut his hand so I rushed home and found him in quite a bit of pain.  I cleaned it out and just thought it was something that would feel better in the morning.  But it didn't.  Actually, it was worse with a loss of feeling in his thumb and totally unable to pick anything up or close his hand. :(  

By the time I realized how bad it was the after-hours doctor appointments were all full and urgent care had a 4-hour wait.  I did call to talk to the nurse and she said she would check with the doctor and call me back but that he probably needed to be seen. UGH!  I was so relieved that our favorite doctor was on call and just told the nurse to tell me to text her.  After touching base she assured me it would be okay to wait to get into the hand specialist and just to watch for infection.  So today we ventured uptown for the specialist. To our relief, she does not think it damaged the tendon and said that it was probably just a bruised nerve that we need to wait out.  If it's not better in two weeks they will need to do some exploratory surgery, but hopefully, all will be well by then!

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