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Monday, March 08, 2021

And They're Off to School!!!

It feels like forever since both kids went to school on the same day . . and it has been forever, one week shy of an entire year!  Both today was the day.  Savannah finally got to enter Providence High School as a freshman and Preston finally got to return to in-person school post-accident.

This girl was up bright and early ready to go (we'll see how long that lasts) by the time the car pool arrived at 6:35am. I have to say I was a bit nervous for her, but she handled it oh so well.

And there she goes, officially in the building as a high school freshman!

And this little guy was quite a bit anxious about going back, but he too handled it like a champ.  He is back with restrictions of course, but I'm so thankful he was able to see some real in-person friends today!  Apparently, the school rotations are changing again as of next week, so we're just taking it one day at a time.  This is a short 4 day week due to a teacher workday, so I think we can handle this one.

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