Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Friday, January 01, 2021

Welcome 2021

Today we welcome a New Year, a chance to start fresh and with a renewed mindset.  

2020 was a year like no other, one filled with sadness and loss, but also one that caused us to reflect on the many things we have to be grateful for.  Here are a few of the things I'm choosing JOY over . . .   

Although we said goodbye to two very special women, my grandmother and Aunt Cherry, there is hope in knowing we will see them again.  I cherish the many memories we have with them and know that they are happy, healthy, and healed in Heaven.  So grateful they didn't have to experience COVID in such a weak state.

Yes, the kids have spent almost the entire last year at home doing school online, but they are still learning.  Preston's anxiety is at a low point and he is back to loving school.  Savannah was grateful not to have to dress out (ever) for high school PE.  They have a great team of teachers and have learned to use time wisely at home.  Also, Dave is a rockstar in German.  It's been so neat to see him helping Savannah with the new language.

Shipt has given me the opportunity to meet so many people and build a lot of relationships.  I'm looking for ways to love people better as I deliver their necessities.  In addition, it's been a huge supplemental income, like more than I was making teaching!  I LOVE my job and am learning to balance work with time at home with the family.

Dave's job is still going well.  He is a great boss and continues to be kind, loyal, generous, and honorable in his work.  Not only that he still works all day and comes home to love us well.  We are very thankful the shut down of the world did not affect his job!

Although the gyms were closed for months, one of my favorite aerobic instructors started posting online workouts daily from her garage.  It took some getting used to, but oh my word what a blessing it has been to have these convenient workouts stored to do anytime that is best for my schedule.  It has saved me hours in travel time to the Y and back by doing the workouts at home.

We are grateful our church was capable of providing Facebook feeds of the service each week.  We certainly miss seeing our church family (and the preschoolers we served) each week, but this has been awesome to have church at home.

Lastly, we are so blessed to be happy and healthy.  Although we have had moments that were less than stellar as we learn to be home a lot more, we are also enjoying more time to play games, go for walks, and accomplish a few projects too.  The kids have become better friends and have teamed up to avoid boredom.  

So although we say peace out 2020, we take with us many valuable lessons learned and memories made.  Here's to an incredible 2021 ~ hopefully one filled with joy, health, laughter, special memories, and a release from quarantine.

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