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Sunday, January 24, 2021

Our Sunday Walk


Preston is in NC and Savannah is in SC

On Sundays, we always go on a family walk.  Most of the time we make Savannah happy by "walking with a purpose". . . this could be walking to Lowes, Harris Teeter, to drop off something to a neighbor, or a variety of other errands we might need to do.  Sometimes we venture to the greenway but often we just walk around the neighborhood.  There is usually lots of complaining before we start, but never-the-less, we go!  So today I decided we would try a new adventure.  I saw a friend post on Facebook about a suspension bridge where you literally walk from NC to SC on the bridge, so after lunch and both of the kids zoom Sunday school calls, we headed out on a surprise adventure.  It was only a short drive to Waxhaw and then a short walk to the bridge.  We could have spent a lot more time hiking, but we walked our standard 40 minutes and then headed back home.  It was a fun way to get some fresh air, exercise, and something new to see too.

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