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Thursday, July 09, 2020

Savannah's Lake Getaway

Mrs. Poats, Savannah's Sunday school small group leader invited their small group to her lake house. These teenage girls were SO excited Thursday morning.  Armed with lots of snacks, pillows, and a specially made playlist, they hit the road early Thursday morning as well.

They made it safely and wasted no time before heading out on the boat for some tubing!

My pictures are limited, but I do know that they had a grand time!  The girls played hard, ate well, and enjoyed lots of laughs together.  We are so grateful for Mrs. Poats and her dedication to this group of girls.  Even though we have been quarantined and away from church for months, she has faithfully kept up with the girls through weekly Thursday zoom call check-ins and also Bible study on Sunday mornings.  She has loved, encouraged, challenged and taught this group so much.  We will miss her so much next year.

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