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Sunday, June 28, 2020

Weekend Ventures Out . . . and In

I love watching the kids play together.  This summer we are beyond thankful for Disney Plus and Just Dance on the Wii.  Friday, when I was working out in the garage I heard them jumping and dancing to the music. :)

Saturday was our first day at the pool for the summer.  The YMCA was super careful with requiring us to wear masks, get our temperatures checked, and stay distanced on the pool deck.  They also have a capacity limit and after the first daily session they close and clean.  Then, they reopen for the second session.  While we were there they were constantly wiping the high touched areas, especially the slides. It was so much to be out and about . . especially with Dave there to play in the water with the kids.

We also ventured out to church on Sunday for the first time in months.  There was a sign up for that too and thankfully it didn't reach capacity.  It was a trial run with deacons, staff, and their families before opening to all of Carmel next week.  Such a blessing to be back at church!!!!

Preston had been saving for a long time and when we finally determined he had enough money to buy a Nintendo Switch, they were all sold out! :(  After MANY phone calls around town and lots of research, I decided to post something on Facebook.  What do you know . . .  a friend was willing to sell hers!  So I arranged to pick it up while Savannah was at youth group tonight.  When we got home Preston had made this sign for the door.  LOL

This literally made his entire summer!!!!  Yeah for finally being a switch owning family!

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