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Friday, June 05, 2020

Not Much New in June

So pretty much things are the same around here . . . I'm still doing a few Shipt shops daily and the kids are still staying at home. They decided this week they would attempt sugar cookies from scratch, so that was a proud moment when they came out and were delicious.  Dave was not thrilled to wash all the cookie cutters, but he didn't complain since the cookies were so yummy!

We got a sign to let our neighbors know we have a proud 8th-grade graduate!

And this kid is enjoying some new books (actually they both are) now that the library is back open.  Woo hoo! They only allow one person in at a time and you can only pick up books that are on hold, not browsing, but hey, we'll take it! 

We continue to spend our mornings on zoom calls and doing minimal school work but thankfully that all wraps up this week.  Preston turned in his last big project today and will learn about his summer reading assignment next week.  Afternoons are spent on screens a lot, but we still try to squeeze in a few walks too.  It's been quite hot lately so we haven't walked as much.  Our Disney trip has officially been canceled since they aren't opening until July so we are trying to figure out a fun summer vacation to get a break from being home!

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