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Monday, June 15, 2020

Happy 14th Savannah!!

This has been quite an interesting birthday with the quarantine . . . and lack of friends available to come over . . . and not sunny weather.  BUT, we have made the best of it! The kids begged to go to the dollar store to get some supplies for crafts so after lunch, I gave in and took them on their big adventure.  One main part of my mission was to get birthday balloons for the birthday girl, but unfortunately, they were out of helium. :(  I was not about to let that stop me so I found a very large pole with some tape on the end and began the process of trying to get some balloons off of the ceiling that had already been made.  Let's just say memories were made and by the end, the store clapped for me when I was able to retrieve the third balloon.  Never mind that two are pink (Savannah hates pink) but one even says Happy Birthday!

She has been waiting for weeks to get a macaroni burger from Cheesecake Factory.  Today was the day because the birthday girl gets to pick what's for dinner!  It was massive and very filling, but she agreed that it ended up not being that impressive after all.

Then we opened lots of gifts and Preston took a turn photo bombing.

She chose Local Scoop for her birthday cake.  We were surprised to discover that their cakes include no cake at all!

All in all, it was a fun day.  The kids were able to start their at-home version of Camp Invention and we had lots of Savannah chosen items.  I have to say she continues to amaze me.  It's hard to believe that she is already 14, but I truly am in awe of the woman she is becoming.  She is smart, kind, loyal, and a bit sassy too.  She may be my mini and share my love of food, but she has her dad's personality 100%.  She is laid back and easy-going, taking each day in stride.  She teaches me about grace and extends forgiveness when I mess up this parenting thing on a daily basis.  I'm so thankful to be her mom and can't wait to see what the Lord has planned for her in the years ahead.

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