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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Traditions at Home

Easter this year is certainly different from years past!  Since we are still in quarantine, we won't be able to spend the day with our family out of town, but we made the most of some of our traditions. The morning began with the kids searching for their Easter baskets.  Preston was first to find his basket and was overjoyed to get a new bike helmet.  Savannah's basket took a bit longer to find, but she was also excited to get a gift card to Stitch Fix.  The Easter bunny knew what she has been begging for. :)  After opening the baskets, we went for a quick walk before coming home to shower and get ready for online church from the comfort of our living room.

In an attempt to avoid the massive rains forecasted, we hurried to hide the eggs for an Easter egg hunt in our yard.  The kids were a bit disappointed that Pawpaw wasn't here to participate and donate tons of money, but hey, at least they had the surprise of candy and some quarters. :)

Surveying the loot!

After our egg hunt and lunch, we enjoyed a zoom call with Papa's relatives from up north that we haven't seen in years.  It was quite comical to have so many people in so many states on one call!  Our second zoom call with just Dave's close family went much smoother.  And of course, we made some of Dave's homemade macaroni and cheese to enjoy with our CFA nuggets for Easter dinner.

Although the day was quite different than normal, we still celebrated our Risen Savior.  Actually, it was a bit more meaningful since we could slowly experience Easter and enjoy the day without rushing to drive here and there. 

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