Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Another Week at Home

This week has been . . . interesting.  We are managing the stay at home orders okay and are trying to find ways to stay active and be creative.  I'm not going to lie, there has been a LOT of screen time.  Between attending zoom meetings, reading ebooks (out of regular paper ones to read), watching shows, playing games, texting, etc we've all spent a lot of time on devices.  However, we've also been on tons of walks and spent a lot of time playing outside too.  Here is a glimpse into the past week!

Buttercup keeps us entertained at night as she does the most random things, including rearranging her cage.

Preston continues to spend a lot of time playing with Patrick.  This week his long-awaited mp3 player arrived and he has enjoyed using that.  The boys also have made their own youtube channel with several uploaded videos on busting water balloons.

In one of the videos, Preston was Mr. Hotdog and Patrick was Mr. Pizza!?

I introduced the kids to Scrabble this week and we have loved playing the game together.  It's a nice addition to our regular weekly games of Mancala, Pass the Pigs, Exploding Kittens, Uno, etc.

We continue to play nightly kickball and/or ping pong (although it was less this week becauser Dave had month end), but Preston's allergies are a nightmare right now.  We are trying to find a balance of medicine to help him through this nasty season.  We've also enjoyed watching Frozen 2 as a family and look forward to another movie on Disney Plus, what a great gift that was from Aunt Cherry!

I made my last in-store shopping trip for a while and have resorted to delivery only orders for Shipt.  I think that is a lot safer, with no interaction with people at all . . . and I can still get out, be helpful, and make some money too. I stocked us up on groceries and have made it a goal not to go into Harris Teeter for 10 days.  It's going to be tough! 

This week we hope to enjoy Easter egg dying and some virtual church activities preparing our hearts for Easter.  We're going to make it.  I think I can. I think I can.  I think I can!

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