Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Corona Virus Chaos

Our new normal with screens

Oh, my word... where do I even begin?!  These past few weeks and the weeks ahead will go down in history as probably the most memorable ones ever, even more so than 9/11.  With news of the dreaded coronavirus spreading into the US things slowly started shutting down.  We found out last Friday that school was closed for two weeks only to discover today that the new mandate is that schools are closed until MAY 15!!!  Let me be real honest here: I am a licensed teacher but never ever felt the call to homeschool my kiddos.  This is going to be interesting for us all!

So far both kids have lost their long-anticipated field trips to Raleigh and DC, soccer was canceled along with the tournaments, Savannah's basketball recreational league was canceled, all school activities including Science Olympiad, which I coach, was canceled too.  The list goes on and on of things that we took for granted that are now gone.  Restaurants are closed.  The YMCA is closed.  I could go on but we are trying to focus on the positive!

We celebrated pi day with a homemade oreo pie on 3/14

We are thankful for technology that lets Savannah connect with her class at school

And also lets Preston connect with his classmates

We can even enjoy church on Sunday mornings at home since that is canceled too.
Today I choose joy.   Joy in that Dave's job is safe (as far as we know).  Joy in that we are all healthy.  Joy because I can still supplement our income with Shipt since I cannot substitute teach.  Joy in that the YMCA instructors are posting online workouts to keep my body moving AND that we have a basement workout zone!  Joy for a stocked pantry and freezers, a yard to play in and LOTS of family games of ping pong and kickball. 

The kids started online instruction today via and canvus.  We are taking this one day at a time and trying not to worry.  Living by faith, not fear!

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