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Friday, February 14, 2020

A Valentine's Surprise

Happy Valentine's Day!
Ever since Preston made a PowerPoint about why he should be able to get a hamster, the thought has been in the back of my mind.  I guess there is a lot of mom guilt because I know they will never be able to have a dog for a pet since I'm allergic.  So after talking to a lot of friends, I decided we'd give a small household pet a try . . . one that we could keep in a cage and wouldn't make a mess all over the house.

Soooo, meet Buttercup, our new hamster!  

A huge thank you goes out to the Renfrow family for letting us borrow their cage and supplies.  Getting everything home and trying to keep it a surprise was quite tricky with the kids in the car, but I think I pulled it off.  When Preston asked what was in the backseat making that noise (ball rolling around) I just said it was our goodwill donation stuff.  Later that night, when Savannah was in the car after her church activity and wanted to know what the noise was (this time it was the hamster scratching the plastic box like crazy) and what was in the car I just said it must be something under the car. :)  Anyway, we made it home and had it all set up for them to see on Valentine's morning. 

Preston just stood there in shock!  He was so surprised and excited all at the same time.  So, here's to many fun adventures with our new family pet, Buttercup!

This cracks me up!  The kids just can't stop thinking about Buttercup and decided it would be funny to write this on the back of my car today. :)

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