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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Day 2019

These two were super excited to come downstairs and see what Santa brought!

Stockings first . . .with some yummy mints, a slingshot, lotion and lots of other goodies!  Then they ripped into the gifts.  Although there were only a few, the gifts were large and very much wished for.  Savannah got a new iPhone and Preston got a Chromebook.

Jingles goodbye message in cereal

Then after breakfast of overnight baked french toast, we headed upstairs to the misfit tree to exchange our family gifts.  This is one of my favorite parts of the day because the kids spend their own money to carefully select gifts for each other and us too.  WOW! 

After opening our gifts we realized we didn't have enough milk to make the macaroni and cheese to take to Great Grandma's house.  Soooo, we decided to get in some exercise and walk to CVS to buy some milk!  It was a fun Christmas Day adventure and we found some milk at the only store open!

We made it home to shower and get our food ready for the road.  

It was fast and furious as we opened gifts at Grandmas, but as always the cousins loved playing together.  Taylor especially loved her scrunchies!

Christmas Family Picture!

I think this was my very favorite Christmas item . . . a poem in a card from Dave.  I laughed so hard I cried because this is our family perfectly!

This little guy tried to save some Chocolate candy from Great Grandma's house, but unfortunately, it didn't make the long trip home without melting all over his pocket.

So after our busy day of family, gifts, exercise, cooking, cleaning, and travel, we settled in for a quick new round of Exploding Kittens with the expansion set that Santa brought.  It was SO much fun and is definitely a new twist to our favorite family card game.  What a fun day celebrating Jesus with those we love most! 

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