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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Edisto Beach 2019

 We were super excited to arrive at Edisto on Wednesday for our annual family beach trip with the Bachmanns!  Dave and Preston wasted no time with starting to dig a hole.

 The sunset was amazing!

We spent lots of time resting, walking, playing, digging and just enjoying time together on the beach.  Then on Thursday, it was our annual bingo night.

These two were happy to have electronics to use while we were waiting in line for Bingo WAY ahead of the door opening time

 But it was all worth it because Preston won a game!!!

Some fun family beach photos

Savannah injured her foot on one of our walks so Dave and I attempted to carry her back to the tent . . epic fail!

The littles made a slide out of the sand and couldn't wait to try it out!

And of course, there were lots of turtles to feed!  This is the year we will all remember Shelley Bachinger, the turtle that needed to be laid to rest. So many memories were made during our stay this week.  Huge thanks to Grammy and Papa for putting up with the chaos and inviting us again for a fun few days at the beach.

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