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Thursday, June 13, 2019

A Visit to Furnitureland South

So we have been wanting to pick out a new dining room table for some time, but just haven't had a spare second to make the trip to High Point to check them out.  But, being that school is now out, we decided to visit Aunt Cherry today.  After several hours of walking and looking, we made some progress but still aren't completely sure what we want.  So, we decided to come back home and remeasure to make sure about the size. 

Before we left the store, we were able to visit the warehouse to pick up our bonus room rug that has been stored since December waiting for us to retrieve it.  Preston was thrilled to be able to help the employee scan out the rug and to see the miles and miles of storage racks of furniture.  It was a fun day, complete with a trip to Chick fil A for lunch with Aunt Cherry!

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