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Saturday, June 09, 2018

Savannah's 12th Birthday Party

This year Savannah really wanted to have a party at a place, so we agreed on Ben & Jerry's!  We polled several friends and discovered that the today would work best for most everyone, so it was set for the day after school was out.  I was very thankful that all we had to do is show up, since it was quite the crazy week

The employees were a bit disorganized, but the kids didn't notice one bit!  The party started with everyone going behind the counter and tasting any and every ice-cream they wanted.  Dave really enjoyed this part as well. . . and may have tried the most samples. :)

Next up was cake decorating . . . you can tell from Savannah's expression that Preston was a "pro" at this.  Apparently they were actually going to sell this cake?!

The party crew then made their own cookie, complete with any toppings they wanted.  Most of the kids ended up eating a lot of toppings too.

Then everyone tye-dyed a shirt to take home

 And lastly we all enjoyed birthday cake, complete with Savannah's favorite flavors.  I hope Savannah's friends enjoyed the party as much as she did, because our girl had a blast!

When we finally got home, she opened her gifts.  WOW!  I couldn't believe how perfectly her friends know her!  There were very specific items that she had not requested but really wanted for her birthday, including a big monogrammed toiletry bag, that she received.  There were gift cards to her favorite places, Star Wars items, simply southern shirts, a Savannah necklace and more.  I'm so grateful for this sweet group of girls that she has chosen to hang with.  They are indeed delightful, polite, and a joy to spend time with.

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