Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Saturday, June 02, 2018

A HOT Start to the weekend

Friday after a long blistering hot afternoon subbing at school (most of the time spend outside) I came home to find that our upstairs air conditioner was broken . . . and it was already 88 degrees upstairs where all of our bedrooms are! UGH!

Thankfully we were able to schedule someone to come out the next day (after calling three companies) to get it fixed, but for the mean time we had to figure out sleeping arrangements Friday night.  We decided on a camp out and out sweet neighbor drove over air mattresses for us to use. It was no ideal, but we made it work.  It was quite funny waking up to Preston belting out some song at 1am, to which Dave loudly hushed so then Preston just sang softer. :)  Savannah rolled out of her mattress making a loud thud on the hardwood a few hours later so needless to say no one slept very well, but at least we were cool!

Saturday these boys were thrilled to get their first treat from the ice-cream truck to help cool off!  It cost Preston an entire week's allowance, but he didn't care.  He enjoyed his treat on the driveway with Patrick. Summer break is almost here!!!

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