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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Preston's Field Day

Today was finally Preston's turn for field day!  The weather was a little iffy looking, but it turned out to be the perfect day . . . overcast and not too hot.  This year I only signed up to help with lunch because I needed to give a school tour at 9:30, which left me with a lot of freedom to walk around and talk to the other parents.
Preston enjoying the Popsicle station
He was a hot sweat mess, but had a great time!

After all of the games and relays they had a water balloon toss and then it was time for Papa Johns lunch! Lots of kids leave for the day with their parents from field day instead of going back to school, but I've always been the mom that sent them back on the bus . . . but this year Preston's best buddy Ella was leaving early (also our car pool buddy).  So seeing the panic on his face as to how the afternoon carpool would work I asked if he too wanted to leave early.  At first he wasn't so sure, as he worried about his backpack being at school and many other things, but I assured him it would be fine if he wanted to come home with me early.  Then I had a brilliant idea.  I asked Ella's dad if she could come home with us too.

So these two have played all afternoon at our house.  I guess when you're the youngest child you get lots of extra privileges?!  They played outside, inside and continued the fun and games while we waited in carpool to get their siblings.

We are all going to miss sweet Ella when they move this summer, but are thankful for the friendship these two have made this year.  They are truly besties!

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