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Saturday, March 03, 2018

Quiz Bowl Regionals

So today was the long awaited regional Quiz Bowl competition.  Unfortunately it was in the middle of NOWHERE and started super early on Saturday morning.  However, Dave and I treated it like any other work day and got up at 5 am, did an abbreviated run and were all ready to hit the road by 7:15am.  We stopped by the school to pick up Savannah's teacher and made it safely to Mooresboro by 8:30.  While Mrs. Cox was checking in Savannah went to work setting up the buzzer system for one of the rooms.  She had lots of help from little hands. :)

Each team was required to bring volunteers so Dave was game for being a reader.  Preston and I cheered the B team on . . . so it was a family affair. :)  Savannah was on the B team and they won 4 out of 6 matches, losing twice to the same team.  The A team ended up 4th out of 6 teams, but may qualify for states by default. :) 

After a long and eventful day, we raced home to run some errands.  Savannah and I had to do a mystery shop for shoes and finally found her a dress for Cotillion.  Then we picked up the boys and headed to a mystery shop for dinner.  Of course we couldn't miss out on $1 Brusters PJ day so after dinner we put on our pajama pants and headed to get ice-cream.  Whew!  What a day.  It was fun, but exhausting.  Next up, Preston's big project that is due . . um . . MONDAY!

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