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Monday, February 05, 2018

One Last Sleep on Whitmore Pond

Well, the time has come . . . we will sleep in our Whitmore Pond house one last time tonight.  It's hard to put into words how emotional this is, to leave the house that we brought both babies home to, but we know God has a bigger plan.  One that involves lots more memories just across the street. One that we will soon be excited to explore and share how He has worked!

But for now, it's hard.  I'm probably the most emotional, Dave is just trying to survive the drama, and the kids are excited for the new house but a bit sad too.

So we took some silly pictures

Had some last cuddles in their original rooms

And one last "stuffed animal show" in the old house.  Ahhh, such special memories.  Tomorrow we embark on a new journey, in a new place, with new neighbors and a new house.  I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store!

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