Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Fun Festivities on the Fourth

Our 4th of July started bright and early with Dave's race near uptown.  He had a 4-miler and totally rocked it!!

After the race we went home and had a quick lunch before heading to the pool!  It was pure craziness there as I think just about every Y member decided the pool was a good idea. But we braved the insanity and spent a few hours there before heading home for a yummy BBQ dinner.

We opted to go to Waxhaw for fireworks this year since they start way earlier and it's a shorter ride (and a lot less crowded too).  Savannah and Preston enjoyed their pop-its and sparklers while we waited for the show to start.

This little guy had quite an exciting day and was worn slap out.  He fell asleep almost as soon as we started driving home.  It was a super fun family day . . and we were grateful to have daddy home to spend it with us!

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