Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Family Fun 2017

This year we traveled to Burlington on Saturday to celebrate Easter with my family.  It was so nice to have a relaxed morning, get in a long run, and be able to enjoy an unrushed afternoon with everyone.

 After a delicious meal, the kids couldn't wait to start their Easter egg hunt . . . 

Littlest to biggest they were ready to go!

 And enjoyed their loot afterwards!

Then Easter Sunday morning the kids woke to try to find their Easter baskets.  Preston was a bit overjoyed/shocked that he finally got a filtered water bottle along with lots of candy.

 After church we enjoyed a wonderful afternoon that started with a few family pictures, of course.  We went for an almost 3 mile walk on the greenway, the kids planned an egg hunt for us, we grilled burgers outside, and then Dave and I had an Easter egg hunt for the kids.  It was such a relaxed day filled with outdoor fun.

So thankful for my family and for a chance to relax and celebrate our risen Lord today!

Dave found almost as many eggs as I did :)

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