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Saturday, March 18, 2017

St. Patrick's Day ~ Leprechaun Trap Fail

We (Preston) almost completely forgot about St. Patrick's Day and the trap he wanted to make to catch a leprechaun.  Never-the-less, Thursday afternoon he had me google "kid friendly easy to make leprechaun trap".  We saw a design right away that he quickly started to build.  It was quite the trip with candy leading to the pot of gold (m&ms) under the rainbow . . but there was a trap door that the little creature would fall into.  He just knew he'd wake up with a trapped leprechaun.

But it looks like the trap door got stuck so the leprechaun was able to escape! :(  The little creature even ate most of the candy too.  When Preston woke up he was sad and the first thing he said was that next time I needed to google "leprechaun traps that have worked!"

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