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Monday, March 27, 2017

Letting Go . . . Slowly

Savannah has really been into cooking lately . . begging to whip up anything dessert related from scratch. Honestly, it is a huge hassle as I have to climb to get lots of ingredients out of the cabinets and then there is always a mess to clean up, but oh the joy it creates. Not only that, but she's really getting good at following directions and has created quite a few amazingly delicious treats! We've come along way from the first batch of rice krispee treats she fouled up. :) So when I read the following from a blog that I follow, it really spoke to me and reminded me of my job in raising two wonderful children.

I need to step back more and let my kids work on figuring things out without my micro-management.

I need to give them space to try. Space to fail. They aren’t babies and toddlers any more. They need to learn lessons through trial and error. They need to make some mistakes. They don’t need me to fix everything for them or solve everything for them.

I want to work on doing a better job of walking with them in this season. Holding their hand when they need a hand to hold. And letting go of their hand giving them the space they need when they need it.

I will be on the sidelines cheering, but, as they get older, it’s not my job to be in the race carrying them to the finish line. They need to learn to run themselves.

I want raise self-sufficient/God-sufficient adults to send into the world to make a difference, not children who constantly depend on me to fix or solve every problem for them. Letting go is hard… but it’s one of the most loving things I can do for them as they grow older!

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