Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

New Year *Fun*

What were we to do with school being out such a long time after Christmas??  CLEAN!!  There was one day when I left for the gym and gave the kids my famous 100 item challenge . .  they had to work together to come up with 100 items to donate!  It's insane that it only took them about 30 minutes to accomplish this! I also got a bit ambitious myself with my new Norwex wand.  Since it was time to change the filters I decide to finally get them super clean.  This envirowand is amazing.  It gets the dust off better than the vacuum!

And our reward for such hard work was a trip to their favorite theater, the one with leather reclining seats.  We saw Sing and it was okay.  The kids loved it . . and well, I just loved sitting below them (reserved seating) and enjoying an hour without hearing "mama"!

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