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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Lots of Summer Fun

The past few weeks have been full of summer fun! One day last week our sweet friends the Taylors invited us to their pool for some fun.  It was SO good to see them and know that they are finally back HOME in Charlotte.  The kids had a blast playing together and boy was it nice to sit and chat with Donna and Jessica!

In addition to many family game nights, we played this new disgusting jelly bean game one night after dinner.  The kids were begging for it from Hallmark so when I got a 40% off coupon I agreed they could buy it with their money.  It was hilarious seeing the reactions to nasty jelly bean flavors.

We've spent MANY days at the pool with lots of different friends.  This day was super fun because there were four different families there from church, which means the kids had tons of friends to play with!

I also got a bit adventurous and tried to make ice sidewalk chalk one day.  According to Preston it was a bust, but I think they still had fun writing on the driveway. :)

We've also been to the movies to see The Secret Life of Pets, had a movie night at home to watch Angry Birds, enjoyed many play dates with special friends, started consignment sale season, and even been to several birthday parties.

 Preston having a blast at Maks' party climbing at Inner peaks!

We wrapped up this week with a super busy Saturday.  After taking Preston to a party we rushed home to get ready for the back to school Y Guides pool party!  It was a relaxing afternoon spent watching the kids play, enjoying delicious food, and just socializing with the moms.  Afterwards we even snuck in a quick trip to Ben & Jerry's for ice-cream treats!

We have one week of summer left . . . I wonder what adventures await us this week?!?

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