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Sunday, July 12, 2015

And She's Off . . . To A Week of Overnight Camp!!!

How much stuff do I have to label?!?
For weeks Savannah has been counting down the days to Children's Camp at church.  She has been SO excited and couldn't wait to start packing.  I put it off as long as I could knowing that every last sock would have to be labeled before leaving, but Saturday was the day to officially pack her for a week-long summer sleep over camp.  She loved even the packing, but I about lost my mind with trying to label everything . . .

It's becoming super real now as we're about to put her suitcase on the bus!
I have to say that it didn't really hit me until walked her into church and put her on the row with Lodge 9.  She is going to be in someone else's care for an entire week.  A week of swimming, playing, laughing, learning, late nights, stories, and so much more  . . . all without mommy.  We reviewed all we could about where stuff was packed and how often to put on sunscreen and bug spray but there is just a piece of me that left Charlotte today.  A very strange feeling to know that she is away for an entire week. I know she is very capable and responsible, most of the time.  I also know that there is an army of counselors and staff there to care for the 230 children that left today.  But as we watched the 5 charter buses pull away it was a very strange feeling.

We are going to miss Savannah this week!!!
These two are thrilled to be going to camp together!!
So for now I'm trying to focus not on whether or not she remember her lovey and if she'll get enough sleep, but to focus on loving my little Peanut for a week.  Yet another first for us to be able to enjoy a house of three again, this time with Preston.  I have some fun planned for him this week so hopefully we'll all survive and not worry to much about Savannah.

If you're reading this please pray for Savannah as she's away.  Pray for safety, for a wonderful time and for her to grow in her faith as she learns all about the Tabernacle and just how much God loves her!

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