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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Preston's First Lost Tooth!!!

It finally happened . . Preston lost his first tooth!!!  The funny part is that Savannah lost a tooth at school yesterday and it's all Preston could think about.  He didn't have any loose teeth as of last night, not one single wobbly tooth, but during bedtime prayer he prayed that he would "have a wiggly tooth".  Dave and I sort of looked up at each other and laughed.  I guess the joke is on us because God certainly answered his prayers!!  Today during afternoon snack time he asked for an apple and then started whining that his tooth hurt. Before I knew it he had pulled it out!!!

To say that he was excited would be an understatement.  The boys was literally jumping all over the place, smiling, and repeating over and over "I lost a tooth, I lost a tooth".  We called daddy at work and then once he settled down he decided "it feels awkward".

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