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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Our Peanut is Growing Up SO Fast!

This week it really hit me just how fast Preston is growing up.  He's now insistent on taking his own shower (which he does a great job with), wiping his own bottom (which needs some work, sorry Preston), and doing just about everything else "by myself".  I can't decide if it's so hard to let go because I'm such a perfectionist and need everything done my way (a little OCD) or because he is all of a sudden really growing into a school age boy that is very independent.  

This week he had his last preschool Valentine's Party.  This is such a precious group of TKers . . . but again it's hard to think this is the last preschool party I'll plan.

 He also made his first basketball goal in practice this week.  He is a kid that is super determined.  After we (okay DAVE) finally got his Christmas basketball goal assembled last weekend, his skills really took off.  He has spent days practicing just shooting and shooting.

According to him he made over 20 scores Wednesday afternoon while Savannah was at running club!  Sadly he never scored during a game but he still ended the season with a smile.

 Preston with Coach Bryan

I have never been so impressed with a volunteer coach as I was this year.  Coach Bryan was so enthusiastic, encouraging, and great at his "job".  He was at every practice and game and not only was great at encouraging the team, but really good at coaching little boys who had never, ever played before.  It was amazing to watch their progress throughout the super short season.  At the celebration on Saturday Coach gave Preston the "Most Improved" award and he truly deserved it!  I just wish we had assembled the goal at home earlier so he could have had more practice.  BUT, never scoring didn't let Preston down.  He loved playing and learned so much.

 Basketball buddies: Cole, Preston, & Barrett

So here we are.  It's mid February and my little baby is not so little anymore.  With only 3 1/2 months of preschool to go, he is clearly growing up and getting read to head to big school.  I'm oh so proud, but a bit sad too!

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