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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Waxhaw 5K

Earlier this week I saw a local race advertised in the running store.  Opting for a fun way to kick off Spring break and for something new I asked Dave if he could come home early on Friday so that I could run the night race.  In the back of my mind I was thinking that I might be able to finish first in my category since I'd been running longer distances and since they advertised that there was only one "moderate" hill.  But, I had never run a race at night (7pm) after a day of eating and I didn't opt to skip my morning Y class of athletic conditioning at 5:35am so needless to say I didn't quite finish in the time I had hoped for.  Actually, it was my worst 5k time ever!!!  I finished in 25:50. ;(  I was the 8th woman to finish and 46th overall, but still I was pretty bummed with my results. 

Savannah with the Publix dinosaur (wearing the sign she made for me)
Preston with the Publix dinosaur

However, I loved the fact that it was a family event.  The kids spent the entire afternoon once Savannah got off of the bus making signs cheering me on.  They came complete with pom poms, megaphones, and lots and lots of signs.  Their cheering didn't disappoint either . . actually it was the highlight for me. 

Almost at the finish line!
Afterwards we hung around for awhile watching others finish and enjoying the amazing weather.  I really had no appetite so we opted to skip our Chili's dinner plans and just do a quick something at home. 
Post race picture with my own cheerleading team

Now Spring Break has officially begun!!  Here's to a fun week in the Queen City!

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