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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Winter Storm 2014 ~ Part Three

We started day three of our home bound adventure with the movie Frozen.  A friend sent it in a link so the only way we could watch it was on the iPad . . but these two didn't seem to mind. :)  Actually they stayed in their jammies all day long!  They even wore them under their snow clothes.

After lunch time we had planned to go out in the snow to play, but it was STILL snowing.  Enough fell overnight to completely cover where we had played the day before and it was still snowing (after a few hours of freezing rain that fell early in the morning).  So we asked the kids to have some rest time and then we headed out!  After a few sleds down the driveway we quickly discovered that this snow was different, better for snowmen than sledding.

We hadn't gotten mail for 2 days and the only car that tried to get out got stuck before even getting to the end of the street!  So Dave and I decided to take action and start shovelling the driveway.  He did 90% of it, but I did help for over an hour.  While we shovelled the kids still found games to play and snow to sled on in the neighbor's driveway. 

After a few hours of fun, the newspaper finally came and Dave and I grabbed lawn chairs to relax on the freshly shovelled driveway in the sun while catching up on the news.  When the kids had played long enough and were ready to go in we packed it all up, spread salt for today, and then everyone came in for nice warm baths . . and clean jammies!  After dinner we had yummy s'mores for  dessert (what diet?).  Now we're all ready for the big melt. 

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