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Friday, February 07, 2014

Dinner with the Williams

I thought and prayed that this day would never come . . . but it has.  I can hardly believe it, but our most cherished neighbors finally sold their house and are moving this week!  Although they are only moving a few miles away, it still breaks my heart to know that my precious friend, fill in mom, health advisor, babysitter, dog owning neighbors are leaving me!  We have been neighbors for 10 years and I'm not sure who I will call at 6am on Sunday morning when my hair dryer blows up now.  We decided that we wanted to take them out to dinner, but Marlene opted for me to make dinner at home instead so on Thursday we had "Farlene" and Mr. Howard over for dinner.  It was a super fun evening with playing cards, dinner and of course reading books.  We do wish them well, but oh how they will be missed.

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