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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Two Fall Firsts

Sound asleep on the sofa
I can hardly believe it, but last night right before the kids went to bed we looked outside and it was snowing!!!  They went to bed so excited to have seen the first snow of the year . . . unfortunately Preston woke up with another first of the year, the throw up bug! :( 

Just as I was headed out the door to my aerobic class at 5:20 this morning I heard him throwing up.  Needless to say our morning quickly became very hectic trying to figure out how Dave and I both could get to work, get Savannah to the bus, cancel the art lesson I was supposed to teach at Savannah's school this morning, cancel car pool, etc.  Whew!

So I went to class while Dave worked from home until I finished teaching.  Now I'm here with sweet Preston (who keeps asking how one might get the throw up bug and wondering if when he sneezed that maybe it sneezed the bug all out of him).  He is sound asleep on the sofa.  The Lord has reminded me of so many things to be thankful for this morning.  First of all, that I'm super blessed to be able to stay home with my kids.  Going back to work was a treat for me, not a necessity.  So on days like today I'm able to chill at home with my little one who isn't feeling well.  Secondly, I was reminded what a gift Dave is to me and our family . He never once even questioned staying home while I taught my class today, actually he suggested it!  Third, I'm reminded what a blessing it is to have super healthy children.  If this is all we have to deal with then I count myself lucky. . . there are so many children with things much worse and that will last much longer than a passing stomach virus. 

Here's hoping all is better tomorrow and everyone else stays healthy!


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