Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Last Week of Summer and My New Job

This week has been crazy. Between trying to catch up and clean up from being gone to Vegas, school orientations for both kids, training for my Sunday morning job (which lasted until after 8pm Wednesday) and trying to get ready for the start of my teaching job I have almost lost my mind! I spent most of Monday and Tuesday at Carmel setting up my website, Google calendar, doing lessons and getting things ready for the beginning of school. Then yesterday I reentered the classroom for the first time in 7 years! The kids have been such troopers to deal with my insanity this week so I promised each of them one fun thing to do.  Preston chose the park so on Wednesday after taking Savannah to the dentist (which I had forgotten to do for the past entire YEAR) we took our picnic lunch to the park and enjoyed some time playing.  Savannah chose the pool so we are waiting to go with daddy tomorrow.  That will give us some much needed down time for our family. 

So anyway, back to those school orientations, I have to say that I am over the moon about the teachers for both of my kiddos.  We sort of requested Preston's teacher, Ms. Shirley, and were so excited when we got her!  She is such an incredible woman and SO organized and good at what she does.  I love her to pieces already.  When she came for her home visit she even said that she would be willing to go pick up Preston from before school care (since I'll be teaching early in the morning) and walk him to class!  This little guy is in for one great year with Ms. Shirley, Ms. Lisa, and Ms. Amy too!

Then, after teaching my class and going to Preston's orientation, we headed to PSE to meet Savannah's teacher, Mrs. Baker.  I knew who she was but only because I had seen her in passing at school.  Come to find out she has been at the school since it opened and is Nationally Board Certified too.  She was so loving, welcoming, and seemed to really have it all together. I think we're in store for a fabulous year! 


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