Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Just Nuts!!

That's what I feel like the past two weeks have been, just pure nuts!!  I have been trying my best to gather and tag all of the consignment items for the sale tomorrow ( I dropped off almost 350 items today) and trying to keep up with everything else around the house too.  Just last week I did 27 mystery shops and then another 10 this week, plus had my regular tutoring students and volunteer time at Savannah's school.  After my 4 hour volunteer shift this afternoon at the consignment sale you'd think I'd be able to sleep well .  . but it's well past midnight and I'm still wide awake so I thought I'd get up and be productive. :)

Along with the craziness, last Saturday Preston finally got to start his soccer clinic!  He was one happy boy.  Dave and I are probably a bit biased, but we think he did a fairly decent job, especially compared to the other kids.

Preston front and center ready for SOCCER!

Doing a great job dribbling the soccer ball

Savannah has been staying busy too.  She has been a great help watching Preston while I tutor and keeping up with her homework too.  Both kids are now to the point that they play well with other neighborhood kids so that makes the afternoons a bit more fun for them.  Although I do have to say that some of the older neighborhood kids need more supervision than my own . . . last week they took the screens out of the shed and got the spigot turned on to spray each other with water.  Ugh!  Preston thinks he is one of the big kids and plays right along with them. 

One final cute thing to share.  One morning as Savannah was leaving for school she told me that she left me a note on the treadmill.  I guess she knew I'd find it there. :)  Here is it:

Hilarious!  She is taking my message of keeping stuff picked up seriously!  Mama has no time for messes lately.  So, here's to an awesome consignment sale tomorrow, where I sell a lot of junk and find a lot of treasures to bring home too.

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