Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Hello 2013!!

It's unbelievable that 2013 is already here.  I mean it seems like just yesterday we were up to our eyes in diapers and now here we are with both kids in big kid beds!  Savannah and Preston have both grown up so much this year.  Savannah is now an avid (and excellent) reader.  We'll often find her in bed early in the morning reading away in the Rainbow Fairy series.  As a side note, she did not get that trait from her mama!  She also loves math and frequently walks around the house making up math problems for us to solve.  School is by far her favorite place to be, but she also loves extra activities like cheer leading. 

As for Preston, it's hard to believe that he once had no words at all and was so far behind in speech.  I still vividly remember how he would pant for "yes" because at 18 months he couldn't even say "yes".  My how times have changed!  We still sometimes have a hard time understanding what he is stying, but our speech therapist (that he sees twice a week) says he's the most talkative and inquisitive child she's ever had on her case load!  He seriously talks non stop and is always asking the most random questions.  He absolutely adores his sister and would follow her to the end of the world and back. He also is very into superheros, dress up, and playing with cars, trucks, and balls. 

It's been such a joy watching these two blossom over the past year.  However, sometimes I find myself getting caught up in the lists and errands and forget to enjoy this time with  both of them.  That is one of my goals for 2013 . . . to just enjoying being with the kids without always worrying about the lists! 

Another goal I have is to eat and cook healthier.  Sure, I'd love to lose these last 15 pounds, but I've learned that my goal needs to be about a lifestyle change instead of a number on the scale.  So I am going to try to expand my dinner options and cook more from scratch this year! 

Speaking of groceries, I thought it'd be fun to put out a quick update on my 2012 coupon savings .  . . drum roll please . . .

After tracking all of the coupons I clipped (paper coupons only, not including grocery store specials or electronic coupons) I saved a whopping $7268 in coupons . . . $5266 of which was only on groceries!  This led to an extraordinarily low weekly average spent on groceries, $29.78 a week without mystery shop reimbursements and  if I subtract my reimbursements, our grocery bill was only $17.11 a week!  I'm pretty sure I cant' get it any lower, but I guess I can always try!

Here's to another wonderful year.  I can't wait to see what God has in store for our family!!

Happy New Year!

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