Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Monday, October 01, 2012

It's Only Monday . . .

This week is going to be CRAZY for our family.  At dinner last night I braced everyone with the news of how busy things were going to be straight from our calendar.  And actually, I thought today was going to be the easy day. 

But as it turns out, shortly after breakfast Preston started crying saying his ear hurt.  He has only had 1 ear infection in his life, but it was so sudden and dramatic that it was almost God saying "go to the doctor now"!  Thankfully I made an appointment and got him in as quickly as we got dressed and ready to go.  Never mind he was covered in dry erase marker from Savannah's easel (his entertainment while I was running on the treadmill, I guess).  We got there as quick as we could, only to wait for over 1/2 hour in the waiting room.  Ahh!  Then we got the news that he indeed had an ear infection, one that according the doctor, wasn't even borderline.  I guess that prompted the doctor to write a pretty high dose of an antibiotic because the pharmacist wouldn't fill it without first checking speaking with the doctor; and then the insurance wouldn't cover it without a certain override code. Poor Preston!!!  Anyway, after 3, yes THREE, trips to the Harris Teeter pharmacy we have his medicine.

Preston with Mr. Josh
Preston was dead set on going to his My Gym class because it was their first award day and since the doctor said he wasn't really contagious I finally caved and said he could go.  (Mainly because I had 3 errands to run while he was there.  Bad mama, I know.)  He had a blast and survived a class of all girls too.

So now I should be typing the 2 mystery shops I've done today or responding to the 55 e-mails waiting in my in box or maybe even getting the house ready for tutoring tonight since Dave is working super late, but I had to share this cute picture of my sweet boy Preston!  He is  a trooper for sure!  Let the week begin . . .

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