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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

The Miraculous GREEN Swim Band!

Savannah is one determined little girl . . . and when she sets her mind to something she usually does it!  Yesterday after lunch she started feeling really bad and actually had a fever of 102.  She was pitiful and was complaining about her stomach hurting and a sore throat too.  She ate only a little (another sign that she was feeling REALLY bad), but seemed to be feeling much better by dinner time.  But, at dinner we talked about how our plans for today might have to change.  We had planned to go to the pool to play with some friends, have swim lessons at noon, and were planning to go to support Chick fil A's stand on  marriage for dinner since Dave had to work late.  I tried to explain that since she was not feeling well it might be a stay at home kind of day. 

BUT, she woke up this morning feeling fine and said "mama, I'm going to go get my green swim band today".  Well, alrighty then, Gracie Bell.  I was thinking that there was no way under the sun that she could possibly pass that green swim band test since it's the hardest one, but I didn't dare mention how hard it was going to be.  She was determined and I was definitely going to let her try!  To pass the test you have to tread water for a minute in the deep end and also have to jump in and swim from one end of the pool to the other.  Much to my amazement she DID IT on the first try this morning.  Now I have to say that her swim was more like a doggy paddle, but she did it non stop the entire length of the pool and treaded water like a pro!  I was (and AM) SO proud of her!!!  Of course, she has worn the necklace all day very proudly! :)

Being that it was the first day of the month, Dave had to work late so it is usually not a fun day for me.  But today has been awesome!  The kids were very well behaved, did awesome at swim lessons, and even voluntarily pitched in to clip the beginning of the month printable coupons.  Did I mentioned that this great behavior was without either of them having a nap too?!  While I was taking my shower, Savannah also neatly folded an entire load of laundry that was on my bed WITHOUT me even asking.  WOW!  I guess that little green band worked miracles in the Bachmann house today! 

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