Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Friday, August 17, 2012

My Birthday!!

I'm not sure who was more excited about my Coldstone ice cream cookies!!
Savannah loved my huge, pink birthday balloon Dave brought home for me.

What a celebration I have had!  The fun started Friday afternoon when we dropped the kids off at our sweet friends house for the night.  Dave and I won a night at a local hotel in Savannah's school raffle so we decided to use it for my birthday weekend.  We had a nice dinner at Maggiano's, dessert from Cheesecake Factory, and the retreated to the hotel for the evening.  It was definitely a nice getaway and fun to sleep in to a whopping 7:30am! 

Tent sleepover at the Neal House!

Saturday morning my dad and grandmother arrived to help us with some plumbing issues so it was fun to spend the morning with them.  My grandmother brought some delicious Hershey's BBQ, so we all loved having that as a special treat too.

Sunday we celebrated at Red Robin, our favorite birthday dinner place that is kid friendly.  I talked my way out of the whole birthday song, but we did get the yummy ice cream sundae.

Then, on Monday, my actual birthday the kids and I enjoyed some pool time and of course another dinner out.  (I haven't cooked in days!)  Dave surprised me with this huge birthday balloon and Coldstone ice cream cookies.  The kids got me a new Appalachian t-shirt that I picked out.  My biggest birthday surprise was a specially selected bracelet that Dave picked out for me.  I LOVE it! 

So, I'm another year older, a lot grayer, and no thinner at all (especially after all of the dinners and ice cream treats out we've had lately).  But with another year has come a lot of special memories and moments that I'll cherish forever.  I'd like to say that I'm a bit wiser too, but maybe crazier would be a better word.  One thing is for sure, I'm thankful to have been blessed with another year of life here with my sweet family and friends. 

1 comment:

deborah said...

that was a whirlwind birthday weekend but it sounds like you all had a great time! love ya'