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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Beach Weekend 2012

This past weekend we ventured down to Edisto Beach where the rest of Dave's family had been all week. The kids were super excited about seeing Grammy, Papa, and of course their cousins too.  We really only had one full day at the beach and then a brief time on Friday when we arrived.  Shortly after arriving and getting all covered in sunscreen the wind started picking up.  In a matter of minutes, a full blown sand storm was raging and the kids were all crying from the pain of the sand hitting their legs.  It was AWFUL!  We ran as fast as we could to get the kids off the beach and then hauled everything else in arm loads back to the car while watching the sand fly down the beach.  It was wild!  So Friday beach time was short, but we made up for it on Saturday by spending about 6 hours straight on the beach!

It didn't take Preston long to get right into digging holes in the sand . . and enjoy some grapes too!

Savannah loved flying her new ballerina kite

 Grammy & Papa with the grandkids

All of the cousins

Dave was the first one that wanted to be buried in the sand, but everyone was shortly behind him

Preston was content to bury sissy, but wanted no part of being buried himself ~ smart boy!

Family picture

It was an awesome, be it short, weekend.  We ate well, played hard and loved all of the time we got to spend with Dave's family!

1 comment:

Chelle said...

Dave's a better person than I...being buried in the sand gives me the heeby-jeebies! Glad y'all had fun. :)