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Friday, June 29, 2012

Preston is 3!!

Riding his Cars bicycle at the family birthday party  

Last week (June 20th) we celebrated Preston's 3rd birthday!  It's so hard to believe that my baby is THREE!!  Since we had been celebrating his birthday for almost two weeks, we decided to do something low key for the day of his actual birthday.  I took the two kiddos to Chuck E Cheese while daddy was at work.  Then we went out for ice-cream after dinner.

Riding one of his favorite rides at Chuck E Cheese

Preston was a little disappointed that he didn't have a cake, but after Disney cupcakes every day and then the family party cake, I guess he sort of expected another one.  He did enjoy opening his new Cars watch from sissy and some new squirt guns from mommy and daddy though!

Preston  has made huge progress this year with his speech  and has grown quite a bit as well (2.75 inches and 4.6 pounds) making him 37.5 inches tall.  He also mastered potty training, except at nap and nighttime.  Preston keeps us laughing, wondering, and guessing what is going to happen next.  One of his favorite phrases is "I can't know" which always makes us laugh.  He adores his sister and would willingly follow her to the end of the world. 

Right now some of his favorite things are:

* playing dress up with Savannah (usually husband & wife)
* driving/riding his cars around the house
* going to My Gym and playing chase
* riding his John Deere tractor and bike outside
* playing games on the ipad

Preston we love you so much!  We are ever thankful to God for you and the laughter you bring to our home.  May the year ahead be filled with many more fun days and continued growth as you begin all of the fun "big boy" adventures.

 This picture taken today at swim lessons is a perfect picture of my little Preston. . . chill

1 comment:

deborah said...

Preston is 3!! Happy Birthday- i just can't believe how fast birthdays roll around- mine included! lol P-nut you are a special boy and loved by so many people. You are a ray of sunshine with your smiles and twinkling eyes, I know God has good things in store for you and I look forward to seeing your life unfold! LOVE YOU Deborah