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Thursday, May 03, 2012

Lemonade & Answered Prayers

 Our first customer (and only paying customer) Katie

For weeks, okay really months, now Savannah has been begging to have a lemonade stand.  Honestly, I have just been lazy about getting it all together and dreading the mess, but this week I finally gave in.  Now, also this week, I was challenged by my friend Jill to be willing to let our kids make a difference in even the little ways.  She shared via e-mail about letting her kids do a lemonade stand where they put Bible verses on the cups.  Not only was it a good way to share God's love with people, but they also raised over $160 that they used to make birthday boxes for a homeless group here in Charlotte.  WOW!  Along with that she challenged us to start making a difference in our neighborhood.  I have to say that I have lived in this house almost 8 years and have never once taken/invited anyone to church with us.  So, I decided to really start praying about how I might make a difference in our neighborhood.

Sometimes we have to wait years for God to answer prayer, but not this time for us!

The kids taking a break with their lemonade

It started at the beginning of the week with the begging again so I finally gave in and said that we would do the stand this week. However, I told Savannah that we needed to prepare first.  So, on Monday she diligently sat down with a sharpie and wrote invitations to FamJam, the Wednesday night worship for kids at our church, on each plastic cup.  Tuesday was a nutty day so I escaped the lemonade stand fuss, but yesterday was finally the day!  Now I could totally feel Satan pulling us away because suddenly Preston became very weepy and sick with stomach pains, but we pressed on and made it happen!  After setting up the stand, I explained to Savannah that we needed to say the lemonade was free and we would ask for donations.  We did get one paying customer, but really it was just a way for all of the girls on the street to have a party. :)  Slowly the kids came and I about fell over when the girl from way down the street showed up with an "Ice Cold Lemonade" sign and she didnt' even know we were having the stand!  Anyway, to make a long story a bit shorter, our stand had to be short lived because it was quickly approaching time for church.  I told Savannah this and she immediately invited the entire group to FamJam at church!  But in usual Savannah fashion, she not only invited them to church, she invited them to dinner.

Isn't this what I've prayed for?  But how in the world am I going to feed 4 kids, get my kids and myself changed, and get everyone loaded in the car and to church in 10 minutes?!?  It all worked out and the kids had a blast at church (and at the lemonade stand).  I just pray that some seeds were planted in their little minds and hearts.

I realized a couple of things last night.  First of all, that sometimes God not only has a sense of humor, but quickly answers our prayers in ways we don't even see coming.  Secondly, I realized that my daughter is just like my mom!  She is so giving and loving, and would do anything to have kids at our house (and dinner table) all of the time.  And lastly, I realized that sometimes Satan will use anything he can to keep us away from the plan God has, but we have to press forward and keep our eyes on Him! (Preston slept all night and hasn't been the slightest bit sick since.)

1 comment:

deborah said...

When God knows the goodness in our hearts He makes a way. Not only did He show you again to let Him be in control but that sweet Savannah learned a valuable lesson in giving from the heart and not for selfish reasons! love it!! she is a precious little girl and you are a great mom! love ya'll