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Monday, April 09, 2012

Spring Break 2012

We started Spring Break with our fun Charleston trip and then spent the rest of the week in Charlotte. I tried to plan something fun each day to keep the kids busy, but by the end of the week the weather sort of ruined our outside plans. :( Plus, I ended up doing 21 mystery shops so I was sort of busy and had to work our fun plans into my route of shopping!

On Monday Preston had his weekly My Gym class where they let Savannah participate too. She enjoyed being able to play with her brother as the class was super small. We also spent some time in the yard playing that afternoon. Then on Tuesday we had a picnic at the park and made a trip to the library to pick out some new easy readers for Savannah. Wednesday Preston's speech class was cancelled so we headed to the mall and saw the Easter bunny (I forgot my camera) and wandered through the Disney store. When daddy got home we dyed Easter eggs, which the kids loved! On Thursday we did lots of cooking, including the EZ bake oven, and made purple Easter egg rice krispy treats for our family along with a meal that I had to deliver. Friday was the only day that we didn't have anything special to do since the yucky rain ruined our park play date. But, on Saturday we finished strong by heading to Carowinds!!

Their first trip to Carowinds!

I'm not sure if Preston was scared or confused . . . this was their first ride!

By this time Savannah was LOVING Carowinds, Preston was still a little unsure what we were doing!

First roller coaster ride or as Savannah called it "roaster coaster" (guess the rhyming at school has stuck)

On Sunday we headed to Greenville after church to have lunch with Dave's family. Post to follow . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like dave had a great time on the "roaster coaster"! lol