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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Congratulations Leslie & Justin!!

The First Dance

Ashley, me, and Lindsey . . we had an awesome time together!

Dave and I with the beautiful bride!

This has been an amazing weekend. Back in November when Leslie asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding I knew it would be a big event filled with lots of fun, but I had no clue how awesome (and exhausting) the weekend would actually be! The fun started Thursday with manicure and pedicures for the bridesmaids. Then, on Friday we all spent time at the Speedway Club covering chairs and setting up things for the reception. The rehearsal and dinner was even more fun and lasted until about 11pm! Saturday morning started bright and early with a quick run and then I was at the church by 9am. After having hair and make up done, we had a delicious feast and dressed for pictures.

The ceremony started at 4pm and ended 82 minutes later! Almost an hour and a half of standing in 4 inch heels on a small step without moving left my feet not just in pain, but throbbing pain that eventually made them completely numb!! We definitely didn't have any clue that the ceremony would be so long (or filled with over 500 people), but it was super meaningful and filled with true worship. Once the new Mr. & Mrs. Prewette had officially been introduced we headed off to the Speedway Club in Concord for the reception. We had a blast dancing and then saw the new couple off around 10pm.

Dave and I were super thankful that his parents were able to come for the weekend and keep the kiddos, which left us with a night away in Concord and a morning to sleep in! Although I was a bit sad today that I wasn't flying away to an exotic location for a week long honeymoon, I have to say that a night of good sleep did a world of good for this mama!

Leslie & Justin, thank you for letting me be part of your special day. I know God has big plans for your ministry together and can't wait to see what He has in store for you both!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like a fun and full weekend! the bridesmaid's dresses are beautiful and you looked fab! glad you and dave had sometime together to spend with the wedding party.